Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 4

This week we are looking at the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for technology and 21st century skills. I will outline a learning experience that uses technology in the art classroom. 

Strand: Creativity and Innovation

Grade Level: 8th grade

Content Statement: The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge.

CPI: Produce a media-rich digital story about a significant local event or issue based on first person interviews.

Technology Integration: Students will be creating their own blog, posting weekly entries, and commenting on their classmates posts.

Art: Every week students will research an artist of their choosing. They will post 3 pictures of the artists work and 3 facts they learned about the artist. The students will also write in their blog if they liked or disliked the artist's work and why. Everyone in class will look at each others blog posts and make comments on 3 classmates blogs that sparked their interest. 

For a final project the students will create a fake facebook account for their favorite artist including information about the artist, profile picture, and pictures of their work. They will also create a piece of artwork inspired by the artist.  


  1. This is a great assignment but the part that really stuck out to me was the final portion of the project, the Facebook profile. You are taking something that students are already very familiar with and completely switching it up to help them learn about art. It allows the students to explore all works of the artist, not just the famous ones, and find out facts about the artist's personal life that would be typically found on a Facebook account. The piece of artwork inspired by the artist that students have to create could be placed as the cover photo of the profile so that it is displayed right on the front page. This is a really great idea on how to manipulate something that is really accessible to students and turning it into a device for learning. I could see myself using a version of this assignment in my classroom one day.

  2. I think its a really good idea what you have but If I was to add something, I would have students post their art work. By doing that they can see and comment on each other works. Getting feedback from each other is important. I also like the Facebook page.

  3. I really liked how you're incorporating the artwork and the artist's biographical information into the assignment. I'd imagine for most students, the actual art is the fun part. But, this assignment sort of gently includes the other information and it seems like it would be an enjoyable and educational experience for the students.
