Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 2

In looking for teacher websites I found two examples that I would like to share. I am going to be an art teacher and I think having a blog of student art work and a website detailing my expectations and schedule would be a great resource for students. I could also post art websites for students to access. The Clifton school district has an online art gallery of student work. The art teacher I work with in Morris Plains Borough School also has a nice simple website for students and their families. I feel making a website of student work would be exhausting. As nice as it would be to look at all the wonderful artwork online it would take a lot of time. At the minimum, I believe teachers should have an online presence telling the parents about themselves, about their program, the tasks each grade will accomplish  and their beliefs.


  1. I liked the page that you picked and the fact that you included an online art gallery of student work. If I were the parent of a student that was going through this coursework it would definitely be a huge plus to see samples of what other students have done so that I know what to expect. As far as the teacher page that you provided, I liked that very much as well. The teacher provides very clear description of how the class is run and what is expected of each student. It was helpful that she included how many days in the month and how many assignments each student would be required to do every month. I have worked with teachers in several schools and each school seems to schedule these kinds of classes differently. It is essential that parents know how the class schedules will work and what is expected and she does this very effectively. The teacher you profiled also included a short "about-me" section at the end and I noticed that most teachers hadn't included such sections in their sites. I like this because it gives parents and students a more personal connection to the instructor and therefore may motivate them to work effectively together.

  2. I really liked the online gallery and site. The online gallery was impressive, but I agree that it would be a lot of work. Also, the pictures on the site seem to be of a pretty high quality. I'm guessing that they have some nice resources and equipment in order to get that quality. Most schools may not have this, which could be another obstacle in creating an online gallery like this.

  3. I think the online gallery was really good. I also like the teachers website simple and clear but she can add more info to her page.If I were to add something to the website, would be the a gallery page where I would put the children's work so parents didn't have to wait until the end of the year to see them.

  4. I enjoyed the Clifton school district website. I think putting the art on the web presents students another outlet for displaying their talents. Also, parents don't have to wait till their child brings home a project or painting. Art no longer has to be hung on a wall. It can be posted on the web.
