Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Week 10

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The students will research shoes on the internet and post their findings to an online pinboard on Each picture they post must have 3 sentences accompanying it. After brainstorming and researching the importance of footwear the students will design their very own shoe using paper, pencils, colored pencils, and markers. They will create 5 different sketches of footwear that do not look like modern shoes. They must think outside the box and create something imagination and original. 

Week 9

Here is my back to school video presentation. I feel this video tutorial would be like a take home sheet for parents. They could look back at it to see what their students will be learning in class. Perhaps the teacher could share a video tutorial of each lesson with students and parents so that the parents feel connected to the classroom. This would also be helpful for the parents who missed back to school night to see what your class is all about. I also used this presentation as a way to advocate for art education. If administrators were to view this presentation they could understand how important the arts are in schools.

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